Monday, October 17, 2011

The Importance of a Healthy Liver

The liver is the first organ to receive bloo from the intestines and removes, synthesizes and detoxifies teh final products of digestion a few hours after each meal. Incomplete detoxification leads to a backlog of waste products which can poison the body's internal system.

Liver cells are endowed with mulitple factors  to aid anabolism, catabolism, and detoxification.  It aids in synthesis and storage of glycogen, conversion of other sugars to glucose, release of glucose for the maintainance of adequate sugar levels in the bloodstream and the synthesis of important biochemicals from sugars and other sources.  The liver burns glucose for quick energy important for stress.

The liver is imperative for fat metabolism by synsthesizing fatty acids from amino  acids and sugar, synthesis of lipoproteins, cholesterol and phospholipids, and of oxidation of fat for energy creating large quantities  of acetyl coenzyme A and acetocetic acid used for energy.  Excess food is converted to fat in the liver and transported to the adipose tissues for storage.

MBi Nutraceuticals LIVER 600 is a concentrate which helps provide the body with biologically active components (e.g. protein, hormones , mucelic acids) contained in the raw gland tissue of the liver. The liver accounts for 12% of the total metabolism of the body, and is especially dependent upon an adequate supply of fresh, oxygenated blood.  The blood supply adapts itself to the requirements of the liver, it it is lacking oxygen due to circulatory disturbances, the capacity of the liver cells is impaired and fatty degeneration developes in the liver lobules.

Liver 600 is New Zealand lyophilized  freeze dried liver tissue mixed with Vitamin E in a base of synergistic herbs for greater oxygen in the body.  Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase antioxidants are added.

HealthQuest Nutrition has an experienced nutritional consultant on staff, and provides over 300 high quality vitamin, homeopathic, glandualr supplements - including Liver 600.  Visit our web site

1. Ganong, wm.F., Review of Medical Physiology, Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, CA 94022, 1979
2. The Merck Manual of Dagnosis Therapy, 14th Edition, 1982
3.Harper, et al , Review of Physiological Chemistry, Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, CA, 17th edition, 1979
4. Rister, M., Superoxide Anion and Superoxide Dismutase, Agent and Actions Supplement , pp 137-143, March 1980
5. Oberly, L.W. , and Buettner, G.R., Role of S.O.D. in Cancer, A Review, Cancer Research, pp141-149, Vol. 39 April, 1979
6. Beeson, Paul and McDermott, Walsh, MD. , Textbook of Medicene.  W.B. Saunders Company, Phila., 1975
7. Thomas, Clayton, L. MD., Taber's Cyclopedic of Medicene.  F.A. Davis Company, Phila., 1975

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