O those nasty colds and flu's during the winter months, and how they often bring on the blahs. This period of the New Year can be stressful due to cold winds, wet weather and a lowered amount of sun light to penetrate our skin which provides a wonderful vitamin called D3.
The Thymus gland is very important for protection against foreign invaders - virus, bacteria, mold, and other pathogens which are air borne i.e coughing, sneezing, cuts to the skin, water, or food. These pathogins are always on the attack. The thymus gland produces a series of hormones which are classified as lymphocytes and are derived from the lymphocyte stem cells in our bone marrow. These special lymphocytes migrate through the blood stream to the liver, spleen and thymus gland. They produce special glycoproteins which attach themselves to cell walls of T-lymphocytes and create an aggressive white blood cell in the defense of our body. One's immune system must have vitamins A, C, E, Selenium, Copper, and Zinc . Each mineral has very specific roles supporting not only our immunity but also our body's very important detoxification processes.
Lowered levels of vitamin D3 can cause depression, lack of energy and negative reaction by certain aspects of our B side immunity, which lowers production of hormones, especially from the thymus gland and thyroid gland. The thyroid hormone thyroxine [T4], in a cell is converted to T3, tri-iodthyronine have a secondary function in protection of the immune system. In this form it is responsible for our body's core temperature and respiration. Actually, every cell in the trillions of cells throughout our body requires T3 which is the active molecule the cell uses to produce heat from a metabolic reaction within the mitochondria [the energy center within the cell]. It's easy to see just how important a normal functioning thyroid is for normal health.
Along with glandulars and minerals, important herbs such as echinacea and special proteins found in mothers milk called colostrum give a person complete protection during the stresses of the cold/ flu season.
You may read more about this product, Thymus Complex at our website, http://www.healthquestnutrition.com/.
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